今天,让我们跟随长城国际传播中心的法国籍海外传播官陆小万, 一起解锁钢铁密码。
Steel is the primary pillar industry of Hebei Province. Relying on abundant resource endowments, a complete industrial chain, and modern technological advantages, Hebei's steel industry has gradually formed an industrial cluster centered around Tangshan, Handan, Shijiazhuang, Chengde, and other key areas.
In recent years, Hebei has been actively promoting the steel industry's transition towards intelligence, sustainability, and internationalization. Its products are widely exported to 20 countries and regions, becoming a crucial support for infrastructure construction in Belt and Road countries.
Today, let's follow Xiao Wan from France to unlock the secrets of steel.
总策划: 那书晨 王悦路
Supervising Producers: Na Shuchen, Wang Yuelu
总监制:王振儒 李 遥 刘 浏
Chief Producers: Wang Zhenru, Li Yao, Liu Liu
策 划: 施 扬 曹朝阳 郑 白
Planners: Shi Yang, Cao Zhaoyang, Zheng Bai
编 导: 吕 麒 米雯婷
Choreographer-directors: Lv Qi, Mi Wenting
摄 像:刘志成 武 萌
Cinematographers: Liu Zhicheng, Wu Meng
剪 辑:张梦琳 寇 瑄
Editors: Zhang Menglin, Kou Xuan
字幕翻译:宋立芳 张歆懿(实习生)
Script Translators: Song Lifang, Zhang Xinyi (Intern)
Text proofreader: Song Lifang
指导单位: 河北省人民政府新闻办公室
Instructor Unit: Information Office of People's Government of Hebei Province
Supporting Unit: Hebei Foreign Publicity and Exchange Center
鸣谢单位:河钢集团有限公司 河钢集团唐钢公司 唐山港集团股份有限公司 河北师范大学国际文化交流学院
Special Thanks to: HBIS Group Co., Ltd, HBIS Group Tangsteel Company, Tangshan port group Co., Ltd, College of International Cultural Exchanges, Hebei Normal University
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